Category: Geen categorie

Brand Shoot: Winny’s Soulfood
Brand Shoot: Myles Dunphy
Charlotte Derksen was my reiki teacher for a while. She had already seen different parts of me on her reiki table so it was only fair that we talked for an hour about her and what she was feeling, before we even thought about beginning the shoot 🙂
It was 8 o’clock in the morning when I arrived at her house in Utrecht, where I was greeted by the homely smell of incense and homemade cacao. We sat on the couch, drinking the bitter but intense cacao, talking about her wishes, thoughts and feelings for this shoot. She wanted it to be for her new brand EARTHLY – about down to earth spirituality, taking care of yourself and slowing down in the fast-paced world we live in.
This is one of the first shoots where I discovered Personal Brand shoots were absolutely amazing, super inspiring and gave me energy for a full day. Helping entrepreneurs on their mission to get a story across – yes, this was what I wanted!
Because this blogpost is incredibly long and there could be quite some truth-bombs for you to swallow, I decided to create a blogpost consisting of two parts. This is the second part! You can go to the first part here.
Your story matters.
You matter.
This is my faith in you – I honestly believe that you are a powerful human being. So many memories that have made you who you are. So many challenges you have encountered. So many beliefs that were challenged since you were a child – and they make you all the stronger.
Sister, or brother, if you are reading this, please know that your story matters.
Everyone is born with a unique situation (and blueprint) and the way you have lived your life so far, has given you thousands of opportunities to grow. And you have. You have grown into the person you are now, and each aspect of your journey has been important to become that entrepreneur that you are now. The fact that you’re reading this already means you are taking yourself seriously and are willing to grow in your personality and your company.
We need more voices in this matter, more people admitting they are growing and they are doing an amazing job at this weird crazy fluffy and brutal thing we call humanity.
This also means, you have a unique story. Something that shaped you over time, something that you stand for now.
So what is it that you want to put out there in the world?
Professional photography isn’t cheap. It could easily cost you half a thousand euros. For an entrepreneur who just started out, that is quite a lot of money. I hear you.
But it’s so worth it. You will get so much back for your investment and not only in terms of new clients, but in taking your business seriously. It’s the ultimate act of self-love.
I once did a boudoir photoshoot with my best friend. Even though I never made these photos of myself public, I still cherish them to this day. When I look at them, I feel beautiful. I’m radiating in these photos and the whole process of shooting them was amazing, with healthy smoothies we made for ourselves, a whole morning we spent doing our hair and the sensual playlist we played while shooting. I still feel beautiful when I think about it now.
I want you to feel like that every time you see the photos of your personal branding shoot.
To shine with pride because that is YOUR company that deserved these beautiful photos.
If you think of yourself as someone who provides quality services, you should have quality photos. Period. Take your business seriously and inject some self-love; this will allow everyone to else to take your business seriously as well.
If you know the importance of social media nowadays, you are probably already working on your social media and online presence. You are crafting posts daily, because you know how important consistency is for the algorithm and for being seen in the content mountain that is Instagram and Facebook. You tend to focus on creating content wherever you go.
But how long is the photo for that post taking you really? Is it 10 minutes? 30 minutes?
If it’s half an hour, this is 2,5 hours on a weekly base. On a yearly base, you are literally spending two full work weeks of photography on your business.
Ain’t nobody got time for that.
A personal branding photographer will, if you choose their quarterly package, leave you with photos to create almost one social media post each day for three months.
Or at least, that’s what I do! Call me for an inquiry.
Leave the professional photography to your photographer and it will save you tons of time. They know what they’re doing, they have better equipment and they are actually educated in how the photos will affect your business and create organic growth.
This leaves you with two whole weeks to take on another project. Two weeks to help out a client, or two weeks to go on holiday 😉
Now you know the importance of personal brand photography nowadays.
It’s a growing market and it is most definitely needed for smart businesses that want to step up and go to the next level of (online) entrepreneurship.
More questions or still in doubt? I’m happy to help you out and answer any of the questions you might have. My mission is to help entrepreneurs like you show the world who you are: your passions, desires and personal mission. I also put a lot of these thoughts on Instagram, so follow me if you want to stay updated on the business of brand photography 🙂
Personal Brand Photography. It is a mixture between lifestyle photography, portrait photography, product photography and brand coaching! More and more entrepreneurs decide to start looking for this new, exciting type of photography. There are still few photographers specialized in this area, but that is going to change soon. Because even though it’s a relatively new type of photography, there is a very good reason why Personal Brand Photography is now becoming more popular than ever.
And that’s because it is more needed than ever.
When your business starts to grow and you start doing more, first of all: CONGRATULATIONS. How awesome you are that you are growing so fast and that you are able to make a living doing what you love the most.
Second of all: consider hiring a Personal Brand Photographer.
One that deeply understands your brand.
The key of Personal Brand Photography is, of course, to really radiate the core of your personal brand. Who are you and what are you creating in the world that people need?
So here are six reasons why you should start looking for your personal brand photographer TODAY. Listen up guys, this is super important. This is your business we’re talking about. Your life.
Last year, 600.000 businesses started worldwide. That is more than half a million entrepreneurs that are finally speaking their truths, trying to make their lives and the world around them a little better by doing what they stand for! This is so awesome!
This also means we are going towards a time where it will become more important for people to know what you stand for, so there is no doubt over if you can help them.
When it comes to branding, we need to be clear on the problem we are going to solve for our clients. What can you help me with, what problem will you solve for me? Do I like your energy, would I like to have you as my coach?
I need to know if your business is something that I would really, really like to invest in.
I wanted to talk about some common law of attraction statements here, but I honestly think it could be better to break it down in down to earth language.
I tend to see people as ‘radio frequencies’. My boyfriend and I are on the same radio frequency. I was radiating my frequency, having fun in life, and only wanted a relationship when it would be an addition of fun to my life, not someone to complete me, because I am already complete. When I met him, he felt the same. We still feel like we are free and do not rely on each other to make each other happy; we create our own happiness.
Because he had the same values, we connected even better.
We are still super happy with each other, choosing each other every day.
Of course, relationships with your client are not love relationships (or are they, you naughty person!). But think about it like this: if your viewers watch your stories on Instagram where you are completely yourself, if your viewers see your powerful brand photos and comment below them, if your viewers read about your stories and can identify themselves with these stories and your mission… is it not true that these viewers will turn into the best possible clients for YOU?
They are on the same frequency.
They get you.
They get it that you invested in showing yourself in an authentic way. They get the struggles you’re going through, they get your mission of making the world a better place, because they are on the same wavelength.
And you will attract more and more of them. Because to their friends, who are also on their radio frequency (and therefore possibly on yours!) they will say ‘Have you seen this account? She’s showing real stuff and is such a genuine person.’
I know this because I have done it myself with people I find super inspiring. And from some of the people I find inspiring, I have actually bought their products or services.
Therefore, showing yourself will only result in attracting your dream clients, and the definition of dream clients here is clients that trust you, support you and help you grow.
Okay. Let’s face it. I see so many beautiful businesses on Instagram, Facebook and the internet. You’ve probably seen them as well – initiatives that truly make the world a better place.
But then you are put off by the pictures on their website or profile.
You don’t even realize it, but when you saw that blurry cover photo, or that selfie, you subconsciously clicked away. And this business, that could have had great potential, now slowly fades away from your consciousness as you go on to search for someone that suits you better.
To me, this happens all the time. I choose Airbnb’s over their photos. I choose which pizzeria I want to go to online, and if their website happens to have delicious photos that make me drool – my decision is made. I choose my coaches over their social media presence. – are they practicing what they preach? And I even choose my accountant on the energy she radiates on her pictures. If that energy does not feel safe, or passionate to the core, I hop on and start searching for someone else.
This is quite literally the core of why personal branding photos are so important!
You have to have photos that absolutely suit your brand. Photos that show your shine, because your passion and sparkles are visible. Your energy shines through them, and this is why people will decide to work with you. If they go to your website, their brain will subconsciously decide that your brand is beautiful (there’s a whole philosophy why and I’ll share this one time with you) and this will definitely have a great impact on their choice whether they want to work with you or not.
Your online presence is like your online temple. So beautifully crafted, fully embodied who you are. Where everything should come together and your authenticity will be the connecting factor – because you can be YOU on the photos, you will show others they have the possibility to be THEM – their own fully embodied, authentic selves!
There are people in the world that just feel… so light. That when you encounter them, they have an aura of brightness, love and kindness around them. Winny is such a person. She lights the room and when she enters a room full of people, the whole room will laugh just a little harder – just because she has arrived.
Winny wanted a photoshoot for her brand Winny’s Soulfood, which is a vegan snack – 7 different vegan bars full of nuts and proteins, and these bars just melt in your mouth.
For this shoot we went out to the park and we took photos in her kitchen and living room, because that is where she builds her passion and where you can just feel her soul present. Afterwards we went to Dille & Kamille, where we were able to use any object there for our food photography. How awesome is that?
‘Working with Claudia feels natural. Creating on the spot is what we did and that gave the most natural outcome of the pictures.’
I met Myles through the Facebookgroup of digital nomads in Medellín. He was looking for a photographer that could make a few headshots of him to use in his businesses. Myles runs ‘Nomad Millionaire’ and is a 7-figure Amazon Seller. When we connected over the phone I thought to myself: man, this dude is cool! He was so down-to-earth and laid-back.
This shoot was going to be so much fun!
We started off with a coffee at a very green cafe in Poblado, one of the nicest digital nomad cafes in Medellín. For an hour we talked about everything – it is so important to get to know each other better before you start out with the personal branding shoot. This way you will know the photographer not just as ‘the photographer’, and I will know the client not just as ‘the client’, but we both become real people. Humans. It adds a layer of depth, a layer of perspective and most importantly, a layer of safety.
What I particularly loved was Myles mindset and motivation to help more and more people in the future. Through his businesses he is trying to let his heart speak and welcomes others to live their truth as well. While we connected, we were able to sink into that energy – and it definitely shows on the photos.
In Medellín, Colombia, I attended something they call a Ceremonia de Cacao – a spiritual evening where the sacred brew of Cacao is being drank and has a beautiful heart-opening effect, exploding your body with serotonine.
There were two gorgeous women present – the red-headed goddess Rebecca and the dance-queen mesmerizing Marilyn. They told me they were moving to the UK on Saturday. I boldly asked them something I never do. I asked them if they wanted to do a photoshoot before they would leave to the UK!
Now, hold on, I almost never give away free photoshoots! But these women just had… something. Something magical, mysterious, raw and pure. During the shoot, everything just fell into place. The sun set, the location was perfect and the timing was just right. In between all the chaos of moving days, we were able to make it work, making this my first magical shoot in Colombia, but certainly not the last.